Cannabis Terminology & Classifications: Main Psychoactive Component – THC
As a new or existing cannabis user you may have questions on terms or classifications which highlight the differences between cannabis products.
THC vs. CBD…
Flower vs. Concentrate…
Sativa vs. Indica…
Limonene vs. Linalool vs. Caryophyllene???
While these terms may seem overwhelming, once broken down into their basic components we can select a cannabis product that perfectly fit your needs. To start, let’s get a better understanding of how cannabis is interacting with your body to produce psychoactive effects. In simpler terms, how is cannabis creating the mental effect of feeling ‘high’ once it is consumed?
THC’s Interaction in the Body – What is it Doing?
The main psychoactive component within cannabis is Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, more simply known as THC. When cannabis enters your body through inhalation or oral consumption, THC binds to cannabinoid receptors throughout your body that form a part of the endocannabinoid system. This system is involved in several functions throughout the body including appetite, pain, moods, memory, and age. 1
During normal function, the endocannabinoid system control signals sent between brain cells to communicate when brain cells should or should not fire. This system is effectively controlling the levels and activity of brain cells, modulating aspects of human physiology like hunger, body temperature, and alertness. 2 With the presence of THC in the system, this communication is disrupted and leads to an increased amount of ‘happy’ chemicals in the brain such as dopamine and serotonin. 3
With the increased acceptance of cannabis throughout the Western world scientists are now able to study the endocannabinoid system and THC’s effects in greater depth. This access to science will increase our understanding, both on the direct actions of THC in
the human body in creating the mental feeling of being ‘high’, and discovery within the therapeutic properties of cannabis for people who are mentally or physically suffering.
1. Byrne, D. 2023 Feb 16. Brain and behaviour: understanding the neural effects of cannabis.
2. Grinspoon MD, P. 2021 Aug 11. The endocannabinoid system: Essential and mysterious.
3. Nature. 2016 Nov 17. The effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the dopamine system.
As a relatively new area of study, we can expect to gain deeper understanding of THC and its effects on the human body over the course of the next 5 to 10 years.
THC’s Effects on Human Cognition – How Does it make us Feel?
Now we have a basic understanding of how THC works, let’s look at how it makes us feel. From person-to-person the effects of THC can vary, so it is important to take any experimentation at your own pace. Overall, with knowledge of proper dosing and ingestion methods even new users can safely manage their experience – of course, the best way to indulge is with friends, so if it’s your first time it may be worth having a trusted advisor to guide your experience.
Most cannabis-connoisseurs look back on their first time with fond appreciation and nostalgia. Nostalgia that includes a plethora of non-stop giggles, newfound appreciation for music & movies, and a missing pint (or two??) of mint chocolate chip ice cream. While fine times with friends can be tempting, remember that cannabis use directly effects a user’s cognitive state. Your usual perception in relation to your five senses (touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell) will be altered.
Specific changes in your perception may include (but are not limited to):
- Enhancement in the harmonies of your favorite album.
- Never wanting to let go of your fuzzy blanket ever again.
- Those two pints of ice cream in your freezer being all-the-more appealing.
- Rewatching the funniest scene of your favorite movie over and over.
Other changes in perception can include time dilution, heightened emotional response, reduction in reaction times, and impairment of fine motor control. Changes in cognitive state are not limited to the abovementioned list and additional resources can be found here. 4
Pineapple Express: Getting Cannabis Safely to your Door
As someone new to cannabis or an experienced cannabis connoisseur, come visit us at Pineapple Express to experience the best in cannabis delivery throughout Western Massachusetts. Each product is hand-selected by the Pineapple Express team based.
on commitments to customer safety, socially equitable & ethical production, and a clear understanding of product effects in relation to customer preferences. Whether you are looking to laugh with friends, deepen your sleep, or enhance your creative flow, Pineapple Express is there to meet you at your door.
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